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Lacto Fermented Sauerkraut


  • 1 head white cabbage shredded, 2 outer leaves reserved
  • 1/4 cup sea salt
  • 1 large or 2 small carrots shredded


  • In a big bowl, mix cabbage, carrots and salt. Get your hands in the mixture and scrunch as hard as you can. It resembles kneading dough. If you want to take it easy - pound it with a meat hammer or tamper until you see a lot of juice coming out.
  • Place the wet mixture into a vessel of your choice (I use a crock pot from slow cooker and this pickling crock that I love), press it down really well, cover with the two reserved cabbage leaves, put a weight on top of leaves (a boiled rock, or a flat plate and a mason jar filled with water). Within an hour the juice should come up above the level of your weight/plate. If it doesn't - press on your weight a little harder.
  • Cover with cling wrap and leave at room temperature for five days. Transfer to mason jars, and to cold storage. I think the flavor gets better after a couple of months but you can start eating it right away. It will easily keep a year in the fridge.