Home UPDATE 2020


by Valeria - Beets 'n Bones blog

Since my interest in food blogging is fading, I ask myself why I grew tired of it. One of the main things that comes to mind is being fed up with ridiculous questions. That sheer stupidity I witness regularly in the comments takes away my inspiration to write and photograph. Whenever I disable the comments section, I start getting emails demanding answers.

I created this blog for myself, to keep my recipes in one place and maybe share inspiration via beautiful photography and helpful content with like-minded people. It is not my goal to run a high-traffic site with annoying ads and attract maximum amount of visitors. I’m not a business that will lose customers if I don’t answer questions. I don’t care if you are here, or not. 

When someone asks me if they can substitute kefir with buttermilk: I don’t know, why don’t you use your brain and maybe come to a conclusion that two acidic mediums probably behave similarly? Or better yet, move along, and find another recipe, on another blog, that includes the ingredient you are interested in? And no, I don’t recommend substituting butter with apple sauce, or eliminating cooking with heat because you are a raw vegan… And no, you shouldn’t use water instead of cream. And – hell, no – I haven’t tested this recipe with cricket flour…

But guess what, you are a free-minded person (just to clarify: the opposite of a ‘mind-numb robot’), you certainly can figure out how adapt a recipe to what’s on hand, or find another one… I owe you nothing. 

For those who asked me, I left Facebook and Instagram, both my blogging and personal accounts, because of their content manipulation. I couldn’t see what I wanted to see on Facebook, which is simply a chronological post timeline of people and businesses I followed, and instead was given content that FB ‘believes’ I’m interested in. With thousands of followers on these platforms, only a handful of people saw my posts while I would get non-stop requests to pay for ‘boosted posts’. So why bother?

I also left YouTube because I’m not interested in woke algorithms telling me what I should or should not watch.